On February 20, 2024, the Senate of the Republic approved the resolution of the so-called “Chair Law” regarding the right to rest during the working day.
The resolution contains an initiative to amend the Federal Labor Law, the purpose of which would be to implement a series of obligations for employers to guarantee adequate rest for workers during their working hours. In particular, this initiative establishes the obligation to provide a sufficient number of seats for workers in the service, commerce, and similar sectors, both for the performance of their duties and for periodic rest; in the rest of the industries, the regulation will be applicable only if the nature of the work allows it.
It is important to mention that up to this moment, the initiative has only been approved by the plenary of the Chamber of Senators, being turned to the Chamber of Deputies for its revision, reason why it will be official and of mandatory application until it is approved by the Chamber of Deputies, promulgated by the Federal Executive, and published in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
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