On May 8th of the current year, the “DECREE reforming and adding various provisions of the General Law on the Rights of Girls, Boys, and Teenagers in the matter of Alimony” was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation with which the National Registry of Alimony Debtors was created.

The purpose of this registry is to concentrate the information of debtors and creditors of alimony obligations and provide adequate protection and restitution of the rights of children and teenagers.

Among the implications for companies, it established that any person who, due to their position or charge, will be responsible for providing the exact information of the economic capacity of alimony debtors to the Judge or the authority which requested it.

In case of not complying with the above, the company could be fined in the terms established by Article 157 of the indicated Law and will be jointly and severally liable for the payment of damages caused to the alimony creditors, due to omissions or false reports, without prejudice to the various penalties imposed by other legal regulations.

For this reason, when your company receives a judicial letter related to information about a worker, our recommendations are the following:

  • Check that the judicial letter indicates the company name completely and correctly.
  • Confirm that the person delivering the notice of support is a court official (who must identify himself/herself as such) and not an attorney of the parties in the alimony lawsuit.
  • Provide the information that is specifically requested.
  • Fully identify the Court that requires the information, because sometimes the notifying authority only does so as an auxiliary of a different Court.

We hope that the information is useful to you and we are at your disposal for any questions or comments you may have regarding this.


ILC Integral Labor Consulting, S.C.