The so-called “Chair Law” is a reform to Mexico’s Federal Labor Law (LFT) that acknowledges workers’ right to rest in a seat with a backrest during the workday.
The reform has been approved by both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. Its implementation now depends solely on its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), which can happen at any time.
The reform imposes the following obligations and prohibitions on employers:
Provision of seating:
Employers must provide an adequate number of seats with backrests for all workers in service, commerce, and similar industries. These seats must be available for workers to perform their tasks or to rest periodically during their shifts.
For periodic breaks, these seats must be located in designated areas within the workplace. Industrial workplaces must also comply with this provision where the nature of the work allows.
2.Standing for long periods prohibited:
Employers are prohibited from requiring workers to remain standing throughout their entire shift or from denying them periodic use of seating during their work.
3.Updates to Internal Work Regulations:
Employers must include in their workplace regulations:
Rules governing workers’ rights to use seats with backrests during the workday.
Provisions regarding the timing and procedures for workers to undergo required medical examinations or preventive measures mandated by authorities.
A clear process for employees to present their case before disciplinary actions are applied.
Analyze applicable standards:
Review the risk factor guidelines to be issued by the Ministry of Labor.
Identify your industry
Determine if your business falls under commerce, services, or industry.
Evaluate job roles:
Identify roles that require standing for the entire workday and assess necessary adjustments.
Communicate with employees:
Notify workers (preferably in writing with acknowledgment of receipt) of the designated areas for backrest seating within the workplace.
Clarify schedules:
Inform employees of the timing and conditions for using the seats.
Update Internal Regulations:
Revise workplace regulations to include these new rights and file the revisions with the Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration.
To fully comply, businesses must wait for the labor risk factor guidelines to be issued as part of the implementation process.